What should you do after a car wreck in St George Utah?
There’s a lot to think about after you have had a car wreck. It is estimated that 50% of people the report auto accidents received physical injuries from the accident. In Utah alone, there is an estimated 55,000 auto accidents each year. Let’s hope you’re one of the lucky ones that have never been in an automobile accident, but if you’re not and have been in a car wreck there are a lot of things to know so that these accidents do not haunt you for the rest of your life.
What do I do if I was injured in an car wreck?
Well, it doesn’t have to be said that if there is severe injury an ambulance should be called immediately and emergency intervention to make sure that there’s no major trauma to your vital organs. Some victims of car wrecks will mistakenly think that everything is okay if an ambulance does not have to be called. Many complications and injuries from auto accidents can take from 24 to 72 hours to begin to appear. Whiplash syndrome, tendinitis, myofascial syndromes are a few of the injuries and complications that arise after an accident. These type injuries should not be overlooked as they can cause complications in your health and activity for years to come. You should seek treatment from doctors that deal with soft tissue injuries and car wreck related syndromes so that you do not run the risk of having chronic issues on down the road.
What if my car did not receive much damage?
The damage to your car receives and the damage that your body can receive is not equal. The structural damage in your car may be minimal but it’s hard to quantify by just looking at your body and evaluating the damage. Even a minor car wreck can cause permanent damage and lead to premature arthritis and other long-term diseases. You need a doctor with experience and expertise in treating spine and muscle damage from car wrecks. Emergency room doctors are great at life-and-death situations, setting broken bones and stabilizing your vitals. Doctors that deal with rehabilitating your soft tissue injuries are critical in keeping you healthy long-term.