If you have been involved in an auto accident in the state of Utah your car insurance has a built-in benefit called personal injury protection. This allows you to receive medical care for your injuries up to a certain dollar amount. This is perfect if you have only minor injuries. The state of Utah has a minimum of $3000 required for personal injury protection benefits. This may sound like enough coverage to most people. If you have to have an ambulance ride to the emergency room and evaluation performed, that could use all of the medical benefit. If you’re condition requires more care, you would have to find a healthcare professional who work on what is called medical liens.
Finding a doctor
A medical lien is a document that you and your attorney will sign that would guarantee a physician payment for services when your recovery is made on your personal injury case. This is a very common practice as most injury cases will exceed $3000 in medical evaluation and treatment. But be warned, there are many medical practitioners who do not accept medical liens. There are lot of factors that go into these decisions but just because you filed a medical lien as a medical provider does not mean that you’re guaranteed payment for your services.
Not all medical providers will accept a lien
You will find that most doctors who are affiliated with the hospital will not accept and treat patients who require a medical lien. This fact alone excludes about 80% of medical practitioners in the area. This is due to the fact that not all personal injury cases win a settlement. If an attorney cannot get a settlement on a case then there is no way for the Dr. to get paid for his services. Other reasons why doctors do not accept medical liens is that if a settlement is not enough to cover outstanding medical bills their fees can be drastically reduced or not paid at all.
How do you find a doctor who will treat on medical liens?
Initial treatment after an accident is easy because the emergency room will not turn anyone away; but what happens after the emergency room visit? The follow-up care can prove to be very difficult to find doctors to help with that. We have a network of doctors and specialists who will treat medical lien and you can count on to help you with your accident injury. We make it easy for you to get care that you need. We can help coordinate information with your attorney and take the guesswork out of finding the right doctor and getting the right treatment for your injuries.